All Students at Children's Support Service have the opportunity to access counselling support. This can be done by completing the form below which will be sent in confidence to me. Alternatively, you can speak to any member of staff who will action a referral.
Anne Alani
Why might I be offered counselling?
You may have requested counselling, or tutors may have suggested that it could be helpful for you if you seem to be struggling emotionally. It is voluntary and will only be effective with your consent and co-operation.
What’s counselling about?
Sometimes we have problems and worries that are hard to sort out and understand; a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. Talking about a problem with a qualified counsellor can be helpful in enabling you to make sense of the pieces and look at the whole picture. It may difficult to talk to friends, parents or teachers because of anxiety, fear or embarrassment. A counsellor is someone you can talk to in a different way; who will listen carefully and will not judge or tell you what to do. Counselling can be a first step to thinking positively about your future.
How will I know if counselling is right for me?
You can meet the counsellor for one or more sessions to find out for yourself. You can ask questions and see how you feel. The counsellor will talk to you about where and when to come and how often you will meet. Counselling sessions usually last from 30-45 minutes (this will be confirmed initially) and can be for a few sessions, or longer term. It will be reviewed regularly by yourself and the counsellor. When appropriate, time will be given to ending the counselling relationship and this will be planned to ensure a constructive ending and reduce anxiety.
What will I talk about in the counselling session?
What is spoken about will depend on the individual; whatever matters to you or is worrying. You may have questions and feelings that you are finding hard to understand. For example: Parents separating, chaos at home, school anxieties, making/keeping friends, bullying, anger issues, feelings about yourself/identity, the loss or death of someone special.
Will other people know what I have talked about?
No. What you talk about is confidential. This means it’s between you and the counsellor. This includes the counsellor not discussing the work with your parents unless you give consent for this to happen. It’s your time and space to be with someone who is there for you and nobody else. Obviously, if you wish to talk to anyone else about what you have discussed in the counselling session, that is up to you. The counsellor will keep confidentiality unless there is a risk of harm to yourself or others. The counsellor may then need to talk to someone else to help keep you safe but will try to talk with you about this first.
Will anything be written about me?
Keeping your information safe is extremely important. The counsellor may make some notes about what has been talked about in the session, but these will be kept securely in a locked filing cabinet. All information, written and discussed, is private and confidential unless there is an agreed or overriding need to share this information in your best interests. All counsellors receive supervision of their work with young people to ensure the quality of their practice and to ensure that they are working with you safely. This is also confidential and your identity will be protected.
Data Protection Procedures and Evaluation
All information about counselling work undertaken by our staff is kept securely by the Children’s Support Service in line with current data protection regulations. After the counselling has finished you will be given an evaluation form to complete anonymously and return. This lets us know how well we are helping the children and young people that we see. If there is any cause for complaint, you or your parent/carer is welcome to contact the Counsellor or the Centre Manager who will aim to resolve any issues of concern.
If after reading this information, you have any more questions please contact us:
High Road, Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex SS16 6HG